

Scientists are fighting against the impending end of combustion engines. According to academics, the classic drive system has a promising future and can contribute to CO2-neutral mobility when synthetic fuels are used.

Read the full article here: Wissenschaftler sprechen sich für synthetische Kraftstoffe aus – Technologieoffenheit


E-fuels do not require any changes to vehicles or gas stations, the existing fleet can also contribute to the CO₂ reduction. And because it all seems so beautifully simple, Stahl Automotive Consulting (SAC), for example, concludes that e-fuels are the most efficient way to save CO₂.

Read the full article here: E-fuels – Champagner im Tank


From the beginning of the next decade, synthetic fuels could even reach cost parity. If the entire German transport sector were to switch to these fuels, savings of around 180 million tons of CO2 per year would be possible. According to the SAC White Paper, a comparison of the various drive concepts – including hydrogen – leads to the conclusion that “e-mobility is not a sensible solution for CO2 reduction”, whereas synthetic fuels have the highest potential.

Read the full article here: Drohende Zulassungsverbote: Geht dem Verbrenner die Luft aus?


Engineers see 100 percent electric cars as an aberration.
The Association of Engineers warns that the German CO2 targets cannot be achieved with electric cars alone. A new study promotes a technology mix with fuel cells and also combustion engines.

Read the full article here: VDI-Studie sieht Klimaziele in Gefahr – Ingenieure sehen 100 Prozent Elektroautos als Irrweg


Will the combustion engine soon run out of air – and what are the alternatives?
The first states and provinces want to ban vehicles with combustion engines by 2035. What does that mean? And is e-mobility really the best alternative?

Read the full article here: Zulassungsverbote-für Verbrenner bis 2035


According to the consultants from Stahl Automotive Consulting (SAC), synthetic fuels can certainly make a useful contribution to climate protection in both ecological and economic terms. However, certain conditions would have to be met for this to happen. If the costs of electric mobility are used to subsidize synthetic fuels from renewable production in sunny countries, almost 600 million tons could be saved in Germany by 2030.

Read the full article here: China, USA, EU: Diese Länder verhängen bald Verbrenner-Verbote


The first countries have already decided to turn off vehicles with combustion engines from 2035 or even earlier. But what does this mean for industry and motorists in general?
The demands for e-fuels, are becoming louder worldwide. In order to be able to produce these synthetic fuels in an environmentally friendly way, massive investments would have to be made in the expansion of green electricity. According to the consultants from Stahl Automotive Consulting (SAC), synthetic fuels can certainly make a useful contribution to climate protection in both ecological and economic terms. However, certain conditions would have to be met for this to happen.

Read the full article here: Weltweites Aus für Verbrennungsmotoren? Das ist mehr Traum als Realität


From the beginning of the next decade, synthetic fuels could even reach cost parity. If the entire German transport sector were to switch to these fuels, savings of around 180 million tons of CO2 per year would be possible. According to the SAC White Paper, a comparison of the various drive concepts – including hydrogen – leads to the conclusion that “e-mobility is not a sensible solution for CO2 reduction”, whereas synthetic fuels have the highest potential.

Read the full article here: Erste Zulassungsverbote ab 2030 / 2035 – Geht den Verbrennern die Luft aus?


In Germany, e-mobility is very important. Focus ONLINE used SAC’s latest whitepaper on low-carbon mobility as a source for their article. They argue, that the CO2 targets set by politicians can only be achieved with the help of synthetic fuels. In fact, the energy turnaround has its uncomfortable truths – but also its opportunities.

Read the full article here: Wenn der Tesla Kohlestrom tankt: Elektroautos in der Glaubwürdigkeits-Falle



Manager magazin built upon SAC’s latest white paper on low-carbon mobility. The whitepaper provides new perspectives on mobility and the transformation of the energy system in Germany. It is the first compehensive study to compare electric vehicles with conventional combustions engine vehicles from both a cost and CO2 emissions point of view.

Read the full article here: Wie Elektroautos Deutschlands CO2-Ziele torpedieren



Hard work pays off!
We are very proud to be among the best consultancies!

Please click here to find more information on our TOP CONSULTANT award.

Read about the complete award: TOP CONSULTANT 2020



The contribution of the ESP sector in the globally transformed automotive industry
In 2030, the market for automotive engineering service providers (ESP) will be around 29 billion euros. This is the result of our latest comprehensive analysis of the ESP sector in cooperation with the VDA.
However, this growth requires the industry to make major and rapid adjustments, which may not be feasible for all players. In particular medium-sized ESP in particular could come under pressure.
The study has identified three standardization strategies for the ESP sector in the globally transformed automotive industry, through which ESP, as important value-added partners, can ensure their competitiveness: The “commodity” strategy requires high cost efficiency combined with economies of scale and location optimization. The “New Tech” strategy aims at technological leadership in innovative areas, and the “Complete Vehicle” strategy, finally, aims at a very broad service portfolio and global presence.

Read the complete study here: Der Wertschöpfungsbeitrag der EDL-Branche in der global transformierten Automobilindustrie



We have done it again !
We have been honored with the “Best Consultants” award published by brand eins and Statista for the second time in a row!

Please click here to find more information on our Beste Berater Award.

Read about the complete award: Beste Berater 2020



SAC has been awarded with the “Beste Berater” award by brand eins magazine!

Read about the complete award: Beste Berater 2019



Our partner Dr. Nina Leffers in an interview with “software4efficency” on the influence & chances of change management and how to make it a success.

Read the full article here: Change Management – Veränderung ist (k)ein Sensibelchen



Our Managing Director Dr. Martin Stahl as a guest commentator in Manager Magazin on why electric vehicles are enemies of the energy transition. He explains the reasons why EVs are currently climate killers in Germany and proposes suggestions for coping with existing dilemma.

Read the full article here: Elektroauto: CO2-Bilanz insgesamt verschlechtert sich – Warum das Elektroauto ein Feind der Energiewende ist



Our partner Dr. Nina Leffers in an interview with “Wirtschaftszeitung” on the potential of blockchain and how this technology will influence the automotive industry.  She states advantages, outlines current situation of blockchain technology and gives a positive outlook for its future development.

Read the full interview here: Interview Dr. Leffers – Blockchain



Our partner Dr. Nina Leffers in “Wirtschaftszeitung” on how shifting customer preferences are going to fundamentally change requirements towards mobility and therefore influence established players. She addresses that the future relies on cooperation between OEMs and mobility providers. Therefore, the German automotive industry is forced to adapt to this trend.

Read the full article here: Mobilität der Zukunft – Weniger wird immer mehr



Retrofitting, natural gas engine and electro mobility – promobil explains the current state of affairs and shows three approaches how to counteract diesel driving bans. SAC provides a Total-Cost-of-Ownership-Analysis which concludes that electro mobility for motorhomes is still far more expensive than other propulsion systems and therefore not attractive for customers yet.

Read the full article here: Was tun gegen Diesel-Fahrverbote für Wohnmobile?



Our partner Dr. Nina Leffers in “Digitaler Mittelstand” on how to act in the digital transformation. Therefore, she introduces four levels on which companies should deal with digitization. 

Read the full article here: Die digitale Transformation hat begonnen – Ändern Sie selbst die Regeln



Geely and Volvo Cars show best practice example for Chinese investment in Europe. After its success and increase in sales volume, Volvo is planning to target Audi and take over its place in the future.

Read the full article here: Der Angriffsplan des Volvo-Mutterkonzerns Geely – Die chinesische Attacke auf Volkswagen



Newcomers from China often underestimate the complexity of producing a car, especially if they originate from the IT industry. Faraday Future once again presented a spectacular fully electric show car at CES in Las Vegas 2017. The Question remains whether it can live up to the proposed claim or it is just another ambitious announcement without backup.

Read the full article here: Faraday Future FF91 – Von null auf Tesla in 2,39 Sekunden



Selling functions on demand will be a tricky thing for OEMs. It can be doubted that this business model will be profitable for rather costly hardware (e.g. massage seats). However, there is potential for selling software-based services on demand (e.g. bookable travel guide).

Read the full article here: Digitalstrategie von Audi – Extras für gewisse Stunden



For use-based mobility services, a global profit pool is forecasted to reach 50 billion Euros in 2030 which is tremendously attractive especially for integrated mobility providers.  They are becoming a serious threat for car manufacturers if the OEMs do not develop themselves accordingly.

Read the full article here: VW und Toyota gegen Google und Apple – Zögerlich eingelenkt



A market entry by Apple and Google would have wide-ranging implications for the automotive industry, but the real game changer will be mobility services with fully autonomous vehicles. They will likely become reality between 2025 – 2030.

Get access to the full episode here: auto mobil 06.03.2016



Big tech corporations invest heavily into digitalization in automotive industry and fight for talented people to join. As soon as Apple and Google have established themselves on the car market with own products, it will be very difficult to force them out of the market again.

Read the full article here: Autoindustrie im Silicon Valley – Krieg der Köpfe



Our Managing Director Dr. Martin Stahl in an interview with “Spiegel” on how autonomous driving and digitization transform the automotive industry. He outlines the reasons why giant IT companies want to build their own cars and discusses impact on German automotive industry.

Read the full interview here: IT-Konzerne – “Autos von Google werden bestimmt nicht in Stuttgart produziert”



OEMs are facing a tough challenge: They need to electrify their vehicle portfolio in order to comply with emission targets. However, customers are still reluctant to buy EVs because of the higher investment cost.

Read the full article here: Autos mit Plug-in-Hybriden – Lass mal stecken


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